
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain knowledge.”

— Albert Einstein

Formative Experience


Swim School Manager

Imagine running 600+ willful children through a facility, per day! It required quick-paced planning, coordination and scheduling, wrangling kids (AND parents) and light facility maintenance. Soft skills: patience, caring attitude, flexibility, customer service, and handyman-on-the-fly.


Construction Cleaning

Like this mosaic, a remodeled high rise has lots of tiny tiles and delicate details that need tending. It is back breaking, manicure killing, intensive work. It was an exercise in details, and laboring alongside good, hardworking people. Soft skills: humility, empathy, strength, dignity and perseverance.



The well being of another is something to hold dear and held close. It is an exercise in time management, active listening, anticipating needs, and encouragement. Soft skills: Loyalty, trustworthiness, compassion, dependability, dedication, patience and selflessness.